One of the most important issues to address within your marketing plan is new market segmentation. No longer does mass marketing and mass media effectively reach your audience. Diversity marketing is the new norm, and this doesn’t simply mean racial diversity but extends to gender, race, age, life stage, sexuality, special interests, etc. By recognizing and segmenting these different groups, you can tailor your product/service and its message to reflect customers’ uniqueness. Kelly McDonald will share her insights on how to effectively segment new markets and then devise messaging to reach them.
This opportunity is made possible through sponsorship assistance from MyEntrenet at the Regional Business Development and Incubation Center at the University of Northern Iowa. Maureen Collins - Williams, Director
Join us for breakfast, networking and a wonderful presentation.
Kelly McDonald is a marketing and advertising expert with more than 20 years of global advertising agency experience, in both the general and Latino markets. Prior to starting her
own company, Kelly was Director of Client Services at one of the nation’s top Hispanic ad agencies, where she worked with Nissan, Bank One, Kimberly-Clark and Budweiser. Learn more about Kelly McDonald and her business at McDonald Marketing.

The New-Iowa Group is the home for the Coalition and is sponsored in part by American Express OPEN and by E-Myth Benchmark. You can Contact Bob or Susan Clements at 888-959-0621 for more information about E-Myth Benchmark.
Date & time
Wednesday, September 9, 2009 7:30 AM
StayBridge Suites
6905 Lake Drive
West Des Moines, IA 50238
Who's organizing?
Kent Sovern
“ Look for the NIEC Signs ”
$10.00 per person – RSVP at http://www.meetup.com/New-Iowa-Entrepreneurs-Coalition/
New Iowa Entrepreneurs' Coalition The New-Iowa Group is the home for the New Iowa Entrepreneurs' Coalition which is sponsored in part by American Express OPEN and by E-Myth Benchmark. Please visit our Sponsors' web pages and you can Contact Bob or Susan Clements at 888-959-0621 for more information about E-Myth Benchmark.
Wednesday, September 9, 2009 7:30 AM
StayBridge Suites
6905 Lake Drive
West Des Moines, IA 50238
Who's organizing?
Kent Sovern
“ Look for the NIEC Signs ”
$10.00 per person – RSVP at http://www.meetup.com/New-Iowa-Entrepreneurs-Coalition/
New Iowa Entrepreneurs' Coalition The New-Iowa Group is the home for the New Iowa Entrepreneurs' Coalition which is sponsored in part by American Express OPEN and by E-Myth Benchmark. Please visit our Sponsors' web pages and you can Contact Bob or Susan Clements at 888-959-0621 for more information about E-Myth Benchmark.
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