Optimizing Your Website on the Cheap- Live from EntreFest!
Thursday, February 25, 2010 at Noon (CT)
Presented by Doug Mitchell, Founder & Chief Brand Amplifier, createWOWmedia
So you have a website, but is anyone using it? Can anyone find it? Now that you’ve put the time and money into developing it and filling it with content, is it “find-able”? Mitchell has helped small and medium sized companies become findable and engaging on the web while dispelling common myths about search engine optimization and social media. Doug will share his thoughts and experiences on enhancing your website so that your clients will actually use it.
Doug Mitchell, founder and Chief Brand Amplifier of createWOWmedia has spent the last 11 years in tech startups until he finally fired his own boss in 2007. Doug's firm helps small and medium sized companies become findable and engaging on the web while dispelling common myths about search engine optimization and social media.
Financing your business ideas beyond your friends, family and fools
11-Mar at Noon (CT) David James Owner, DJ's Rib Shack
You’ve got a great idea for starting a business, but finding the cash to do it looks impossible. Learn about some new funding sources out there that you may not have thought about previously. David James, owner of DJ’s Rib Shack will share his experiences using the Targeted Small Business, TSB, Program to start his restaurant.
Networking 101: Before Facebook and Twitter
25-Mar at Noon (CT) Rob Jensen - Organizer, Highlight Midwest 2009 and Kent Sovern President of the New Iowa Group, Ltd.
In that long forgotten land before Facebook and Twitter, networking was primarily done in an environment where people actually met each other face to face. Learn about this ancient culture and find out why it is still a thriving place to be part of. We’ll learn from two networking gurus on how to weave web 2.0 techniques in with good old fashioned in-person marketing.
Building a Website on the Cheap for the Non-Techie
8-Apr at Noon (CT) Dan Beenken Innovation Incubator Manager, University of Northern Iowa
Need a web presence but don’t have the budget or skills to get it done? Are you still waiting for your “techie buddy” to update the site you paid him $500 to build back in 2003? Wait no longer! Learn from our own Dan Beenken as he walks you through the process of building your own site and, possibly more importantly, maintaining it to give your customers a continuous fresh look. The best part is, it’ll all be on the cheap! Dan has pretty much zippo technology skills, so even if you can barely turn your computer on, you won’t be far behind him on the learning curve of the web.
From Rags to T-Shirts: The Raygun Story
22-Apr at Noon (CT) Mike Draper Owner, Raygun
Mike Draper, creator and owner of Raygun in Des Moines, will share his experiences of moving back to Iowa and starting his apparel and design stores – Raygun and 8/7 Central. Draper will tell his story of thriving in an economy that hasn’t exactly been friendly to expansion. He’ll share his insights on using guerilla marketing tactics to build a presence that has now been featured in all sorts of national media and publication outlets.
Blogging Bootcamp: How and Why to start Blogging
6-May at Noon (CT) Josh Flemming Interactive Marketing Director, Lessing-Flynn
Perhaps you’ve read about the need to blog, but haven’t started yet. Or maybe you do a little blogging, but are pretty sure you may be the only one reading it. Josh Fleming will put you through his Boot Camp on the importance of social media, why to blog, how to blog, and why he is such a fan of “Top Gun”. Josh will share tactics on how to grow your readership to ensure it isn’t just you and your parents reading what you have to say. He’ll also share insights on how to keep your blog looking lively and fresh.
Making Facebook fit for your small business
20-May at Noon (CT) Nathan Wright Founder, Lava Row
With well over400 million users world-wide, the Facebook phenomena isn’t going to anywhere any time soon. As you look to start or expand a presence on Facebook, its critical to remember that simply slapping up a fan page and calling it good, simply isn’t good enough. Learn from Nathan T. Wright, founder of Lava Row, how to capitalize on Facebook’s power to grow your own business.
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